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ወኪሎቻችንን ያግኙ

ቦ-ሆንግ ሺህ
ደላላ ባለቤት/አስተዳዳሪ ወኪል
ስልክ ቁጥር:(702) 355-8889
የእርስዎ ይፋዊ ኢሜል፡
የባለሙያ ዘርፎች፡-ግለሰቦች / ቤተሰቦች
የሚነገሩ ቋንቋዎች፡-ቻይንኛ, እንግሊዝኛ, ማንዳሪን
የምርት ልምድ፡-ጤና፣ የጥርስ ህክምና፣ ራዕይ፣ ህይወት፣ ሜዲኬር፣ ሜዲኬይድ፣ CHIP፣ የሰራተኞች ማካካሻ
ትምህርት፡-የኮሌጅ ዲግሪ
ስለ እኔ
My family is originally from Taiwan, but I have been living in Las Vegas since 1987. I have a Bachelors in Finance and Real Estate, with a Masters in Mathematics. I speak English and Mandarin fluently, and helping people is one of my passions. I have been happily married for over 15 years, with 3 daughters. When I am not busy helping my clients, I enjoy hanging out with my wife and kids.
Schedule an appointment with me.
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